IBM Safer Payments

IBM Safer Payments enables your fraud prevention teams to adapt their controls faster to emerging threats and detect fraud with greater speed and accuracy without vendor or data scientist dependencies. It comprises the analytics and simulation tools needed to continuously monitor business performance and adapt the decision model to emerging and modified fraud patterns.

With an open platform, customers can leverage their existing detection models and IP all at a low total cost of operation (TCO) as all required components are self-contained and run on commodity hardware.

Why IBM Safer Payments

Next Generation Approach

Enables you to use any data science, any machine learning, and artificial intelligence technique – from any vendor or open source – to outsmart fraudsters.

All Channel Solution

Includes specific functionality to protect cards, online banking, and real-time payments. Profiles behavior and payment flow through all channels for lower false positives and reduced fraud losses.

Freely Configurable

Everything in Safer Payments is user-configurable. Full adaptation to customer data model. New data feeds can be configured in minutes.

Bring Your Own Model

Build neural networks, random forests, decision trees, and regressions, using your preferred tools. Combine models of different types into ensembles, to leverage the best of each modeling technology.

In-memory NoSQL Database

Purpose-built dual-access database technology delivers peak performances of multiple thousand transactions per second on commodity hardware and any cloud.

Multi-Model & IBM Watson

Runs any number and types of fraud prevention models. Watson cognitive AI assists with creation of decision rules on how models are applied for specific transactions.

Unbeatable Industry Results


50-70% drop in fraud-related losses


False-positive rates reduction to as low as 1:3 or less


Substantial Reduction in TCO


Protect multiple payment channels


Rapidly recognize & stop new fraud attacks

50-70% drop in fraud-related losses

False-positive rates reduction to as low as 1:3 or less


Substantial Reduction in TCO

Protect multiple payment channels

Rapidly recognize & stop new fraud attacks

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